9th February, Mumbai: The prosperous couple Uday Rajveer Singh and Krutika Sawant has recently got married the wedding pomp, glory and opulence of bygone periods were brought to life as the bride and groom vows. The venue of the wedding has been done on Island Colaba where all the functions and rituals has been followed. Wedding was in the Royal Rajputana style with our handsome groom Uday Rajveer Singh and our beautiful bride krutika Sawant were bejwelled like a prince and princess.
The Bride and groom looked magical in there designer outfits. The venue of all the function was of course elegance exemplified. Where all the known celebrities and family members are gathered at this glamorous evening. The couple has been dating over past few years. The groom Kritika Sawant is an actor by profession, has done 25 commercials and been associated with multiple brands like Volkswagen, Jeevansathi.com, Caratlane, Britannia, Himalaya, Lays, etc. She has also done cameo roles in the movie Rustom currently Krutika is pursuing her kathak training under Smt. Shila Mehta ji. Sharing the same professions Kritika met Uday at one of the award shows where they get to know each other.
Being an actor anchor Uday Rajveer Singh who is a successful and awarded by APJ Abdul kalam Bharat Ratna for best anchor who host many shows and award functions like Filmfare. And his upcoming movies in which he would be seen doing lead roles like Knockout, Tango Charlie, Kurukshetra is soon going to be releasing on big screen.
Since then both the couples has been seen during award shows and functions together over past few years sharing videos together on their social media handles. The wedding has been set the colour wheels action with glamorous designer sarees opted for classic sherwanis boosting the Rich royal fashion of India. The wedding follows all the rituals and all of the fun with family and friends. We congratulate this couple for their wedding and wish them for there lovely future together ahead.